Publish your ADGEO volume

All collections published in Advances in Geosciences (ADGEO) are published online in separate volumes but can also be printed on demand. They may include papers presented at scientific meetings (proceedings) or articles on a well-defined topic compiled by individual editors or organizations (special publications). The individual papers are peer-reviewed and published as soon as they are accepted and typeset. Print versions are available upon completed publication of all contributions.

ADGEO volume proposal & guidelines for editors

Thank you for considering publishing a special volume with ADGEO. We have drawn up some brief guidelines to help you with the process of submitting a proposal so that you might better understand your responsibilities as a special-volume editor. Please note that ADGEO welcomes a preface by the special-volume editors. ADGEO also encourages the special-volume editors to work with the authors so that each set of authors are aware of what others are submitting, thus enabling cross-referencing of other papers in the special volume where appropriate.

Submission & review of a proposal

Please prepare a two- to three-page proposal for the special volume including the following:

  • title of the special volume;
  • names, affiliations, and short CVs of the proposed special-volume editors;
  • start date & end date of submission;
  • a statement of the purpose of the special volume, whether it is the result of a conference, and whether it will include only invited papers or is open for all submissions within its scope;
  • if the special volume is the result of an EGU General Assembly, please indicate the session number as part of the special volume title;
  • a draft of the call for papers that will solicit submissions for the special volume;
  • any other useful information that will help to evaluate the special volume proposal (For example, is this special volume the result of one or several conference special sessions? Are there specific people that you already have in mind that might contribute? Do you have a rough idea of how many papers might be published and their average length?).

The proposal will be reviewed by ADGEO's managing editor, who will render a decision based on the expected contribution of the special volume and its appropriateness for ADGEO. Please send your proposal to

Responsibilities of ADGEO volume editors

If the managing editor decides to pursue the publication of a special volume, the editors of the special volume will have the following responsibilities:

  • work with the authors to obtain manuscripts of high quality;
  • ensure that authors are aware of the manuscript submission process;
  • coordinate a rigorous peer-review process (at least two independent referees);
  • ensure that the English is at a high level and request copy-editing if necessary;
  • discuss with the managing editor any changes that constitute a significant deviation from the proposal;
  • work to keep the special volume on schedule and periodically update the managing editor on the progress of the special volume.

Print on demand service

Due to the open-access publication of ADGEO, the main focus lies on the free online distribution of the papers. However, if inbdividual volume editors wish to produce print copied, a minimum order of 20 copies is needed. The price will depend on the total number of pages in the special volume. The price per printed copy is calculated as follows:

  1. Number of pages × €0.09
  2. + softcover and binding (€3.00) (hardcover price on request)
  3. + priority mail (individually calculated)
  4. = net price + VAT

Please contact the Copernicus Publications Production Office for an official offer.